3 A famous landmark: The Pipa Rock

Such landmark, seen from the ocean, is the famous Pedra da Pipa, the Pipa rock, the Wine-Barrel lighthouse.

Pipa is a beach village South of Natal, capital of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Great River of the North, situated at the tip of the Brazilian Northeast. The village inherited the name of the rock. Pipa, the wine-barrel that used to guide navigation, a “lighthouse” of ancient times.
This Pedra da Pipa, the pipa rock, preceded lighthouses as a landmark, or warning sign, for the captain of the boat. This wine barrel rock has a cylindrical appearance, just like a lighthouse. Pedra da Pipa was very useful for pre-lighthouse sailors.

Strange, original, night image of Pipa as stored by a regular, photographic camera, does not show much. Can you see the rock in this original photo?
A technical note is warranted. The original picture taken with a regular camera during the night showed nothing. Almost nothing. Just a black image. Well, one may see the Pipa rock delineated in the dark image with attentive, focused visualization. Computers, however, change everything.
Computer software can provide insight information about such images. Those are two examples of what was really within those dark images: the Pipa rock and a surfer.

The Pipa Rock marks its presence at the South end of a popular beach.
Fotos and histories about this popular beach fill the next chapter.


Beaches of Brazil Copyright © 2023 by Sergio Xavier Salles Cunha. All Rights Reserved.

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