
19 Brazilian, Itanhaem Sunsets Hinting the Departure Time

This Sun-Set Show, SSS, is the Save Our Souls, SOS since we didn’t reach the spice market.  We didn’t find a way to Bengal Bay and India.

The SOS, therefore, is because we found a new continent. A large new territory.  Beautiful beaches. The 16th century trip leaning toward the spice trade, was eventually replaced by gold digging and gold sailing to Europe.

The SSS focused on a sunset at the Itanhaem river. This river is wide enough and deep enough to harbor caravels. Historically, however, Sao Vicente, about 30 miles north, was a major step into the European-Portuguese development of Brazil.

In summary, no Bengal Bay, no India, no spice trade, replaced by South-American, Brazilian new territory, with thousands of beaches.

Time to return to Portugal.  Or time to stay around in this new continent?  Sunset is approaching. Time to say good-bye.

Sunset or Monrise?

Check next chapter for the final GOODBYE by JAX Beach sunsets. Jax BEACH really?


Beaches of Brazil Copyright © 2023 by Sergio Xavier Salles Cunha. All Rights Reserved.