9 Ceará: Broken Canoe and Future Beaches

This new continent moves Northwest now, almost west.

The caravel is still in search of a passage to Bengal Bay, India. This new direction looks good.

The state of Ceará (CE), canto da jandaia, singing of a small parrot, is next (Wikipedia). We are moving toward the big city of Fortaleza. But first, we stop in another famous beach: Canoa Quebrada; Broken Canoe Beach.

The next photo, however, is not a beach with a broken canoe. Local cliffs take tourists over huge sand dunes showing sunsets and sandy plants.

Next, a “Dutch” scenario in Brazilian sandy territory. Difficult for electricity to travel to those regions?
It seems that there is no wind. The windmills are not moving. Ooops; it is a photo, not a video.

We arrived in Fortaleza, the Fortress, finally. A large city. Too many beaches to visit. Let’s select a special one, famous for a Thursday night that “stops” the city. Actually not. A night that moves the city.

Let’s focus on what was different, two surfers. Why?

Praia do Futuro; Beach of the Future. Great action, Thursday nights. Beach restaurants with music bands and dancing.

Noite do Caranguejo; Night of the Crab. Time to eat all kinds of crabs. Shrimps too. Offer crab food and music and you get athletes dancing on the ocean water. Surfers can be seen walking on the beach and surfing too. They will never lose site of their boards. Boards may sail away but perceptively.

Music, dancing and eating crabs attract night surfers.
This illuminated surfboard show ended our trip to the North.
A passage to the Bay of Bengal was not found. No spices yet. The future looked like night surfing, not spices.

The caravel had to sail back to Pipa and then toward the South of that famous beach village. No channel to the Bay of Bengal going North. May be going South, the caravel sailors could be luckier.


Beaches of Brazil Copyright © 2023 by Sergio Xavier Salles Cunha. All Rights Reserved.

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