
11 Maceió and Surounding Beaches

Going South to Maceió, capital of the state of Alagoas (check google maps). “Pedra da Pipa” becomes a real lighthouse in Massayo ka, terra que tapa o alagadiço, Land That Covers the Swamp in native language.
The photographer entered the rocky ocean, at low tide. Sunset views of South Maceio. No, we are not leaving that fast. The caravel did, I guess.
A jangada is in the ocean. The fishing boats are lined up at the main, central beach.
Can we ride a donkey to a beach South of Maceio?
Praia do Frances, Beach of the Frenchman, South of Maceio.
Where is the French donkey? Did the donkey ride South?
The bay, the rivers and the swamps didn’t do any good to clear the spice route. Time for the caravel to go South even more.


Beaches of Brazil Copyright © 2023 by Sergio Xavier Salles Cunha. All Rights Reserved.