5 Pipa Village: Central Beach

Are we walking through the rocks, the sand and the sea? Or are we still on the boat? Caravel or jangada? Away from the rocks?
I thought sunsets were supposed to show up at the end of the book. Well, this central beach sunset dictates the end of the story about Love Beach, the beach of Pedra da Pipa, the Rock.
Now it is time to enjoy the central beach of the village of Pipa. The village with the same name as the rock, the old kind of lighthouse.

Portuguese settlers arrived at this region around 1629. The village had many names until finally was named after the wine barrel rock, Pipa. Pipa has other translations and meanings like: Kite. There is a beach good for wind surfing, or kite-surfing a little bit North of this beach. We will get there too.
This day, the waves were not big but were strong. Wait to see the variability of ocean water and sand conditions of this beach. You may be surprised with the changes that occur year after year.
A tall hill to walk up; easier to walk down to the beach. Of course, a sand bar to change the panorama.
A closer view of the sand bar. A Water channel for jangadas, yes, but for caravels? Yes, we tried to consult professionally on these beaches. Talk can happen anywhere.

The water channel communicated with the ocean around the sand bar. If table and chairs imitate the boats, breakfast, brunch, lunch or even dinner have happened at this beach. Even with wet feet, tables placed on the ocean water.
Water channel and sand bank were near the sidewalk.The ocean on this beach can go up and down about 3 yards between low and high tides.
Check the next photograph to see the waves.
I can’t believe it. Is the ocean wave going back to Africa? Is it to train backward surfing?

Reflux, the back flow, can happen with violence. The caravel or the jangada would be thrown back to the deep sea in a minute. Ocean water, up and down 3 yards, from eating on the sand to drowning a few hours later on the same spot…

Then the ocean backtracked, and the water disappeared.
The ocean also goes back and forth about 100 yards. The ocean water is either on top of us or far away.

Pipa has a monument at the central beach honoring San Sebastian, the saint who is the patron of the village.
This Pipa-San Sebastian relation must be linked to January.

Of course, the sand can attack even the patron of the village. Check how different is the level of sand at distinct years.
The water can go up and down 3 yards. Given time, the sand can go up and down more than 1 yard.

I wonder if the Portuguese navigators predicted that their children would look like this someday. Carnaval, Mardi gras time.
Let’s go up the cliff surrounding the central beach.
A view of the North aspect of Pipa.
That was the direction for our Caravel to sail.

Oh, that is the forest from where my secretaries showed up through the window of the house on the hill.

The friendly little monkeys have a great view of the central beach and other beaches to the North.
Fight between sand and ocean water.

Great views of sunsets too.
A cloudy cat in the sky?details…
Tree branch in front of the sun.
Cactus in front of the sunset.

Back to a deserted central beach. Then let’s travel North as mandated by the sunsets. Central Beach must be tired of us.
The Central Beach ends at a small fishing boat port. The Dolphin Bay beach has only access to beach walkers or ocean swimmers (certainly boats). Let’s go to Dolphin Bay via the little fishing boat port.


Beaches of Brazil Copyright © 2023 by Sergio Xavier Salles Cunha. All Rights Reserved.

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