
6 Pipa Village: The way to the Dolphin Bay

A place to port our caravel. The fishing boats port.
Close up to a rich jangada.
Fishing boat and net. The bigger the net, the bigger the fish? Not really just more fish for a competent fisherman.
Check the little boat entering the port. Is this the way out to swim to Dolphin Bay?
Can we fish out there by the port entry near these rocks? He can…
One can fish from the rocks on the North side of the port entry too.
We can swim with a camera or cell phone. The cliff extends from the port North of Central Beach to the Bay of the Dolphins.

For a while, I swam every day from the central beach port to the Bay of the Dolphins. About 1,000 yards. My visiting brother, however, corrected me: “You didn’t swim to meet the dolphins; the sea current took you there. Lucky you, there were no sharks.”

Dolphin bay on the horizon.
The rocky way to dolphin’s beach, actually Dolphins Bay. One has to pay attention to high and low tides. There is no way down from the cliffs to the dolphin’s beach.
One can walk to the Bay of Dolphins during low tides.
But we may not stay too long pending the tides.
The way to the dolphins is very difficult during high tides.

Dolphin Bay YES. Bengal Bay, not yet.
The caravel had to pursue its route to the North of Pipa.


Beaches of Brazil Copyright © 2023 by Sergio Xavier Salles Cunha. All Rights Reserved.