12 San Francisco River

A potential channel toward Bengal Bay?

It was a large river mouth but the caravel sailors didn’t know it was a river at the beginning of this journey.
The mouth of the San Francisco river near the ocean. Another fishing boat place.

Is this water channel large enough to connect to Bengal Bay?

Let’s pursue the water channel inland. May be it is not a river, just islands, North and South. A channel between islands.

We tried, anyway, thinking like the old Portuguese sailors. What if we get to India via this channel? Not really. San Francisco was and still is a very long river.

San Francisco river was not a way to Bengal Bay.

The river has waterfalls. Petrolina city was faraway in land. A beach on the river, not a canal to Bengal Bay.
A river bus- a boat to transport local people to work? Or tourists to the beach? or both?
The river took us way in land. City of Petrolina. Fishing boats in one side, buildings on the other margin of the river.
Do I have to sail a canoe around here to cross to Bengal Bay?
Oh I see. That is not a boat. It is a decorative, large vase…

No passage to Bengal Bay.

This round earth is bigger than we imagined. Too big to be the Atlantis island also. Going further South anyway.


Beaches of Brazil Copyright © 2023 by Sergio Xavier Salles Cunha. All Rights Reserved.

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