16 San Sebastian “Beautiful Island” to San Vincent

Sao Paulo has become a center for early Brazilian life since the 16th century.

San Vincent and Itanhaem were the first formal Portuguese settlements in Brazil. This chapter starts up North, near the town Of San Sebastian.

The state of Sao Paulo is a working region, many serious workers from all over Brazil and the world. In contrast, this channel between Ilha Bela, Beautiful Island and the continent, has many sharks.
The beach of Maresias, Sea Storms, has produced several international surfers, including a world champion.
A picture taken from the intercoastal highway shows the mouth of the Rio Una, Dark Black river.

We reached Sao Vicente, San Vincent.
The oldest settlement in Brazil, founded in early 1532. The Portuguese way to protect not only the caravels but also the new village: a bay with a mountain or a hill to interrupt the view of pirates sailing in the open ocean nearby.

The Ponte Pencil, the Suspension Bridge, was built for car traffic toward Praia Grande, Big Beach, South of San Vincent. The bridge can be suspended for a ship to navigate through the canal that makes Sao Vicente an island.
Praia Grande is about 30 miles long.
Sunset at the South end of Praia Grande.  Time to move on.


Beaches of Brazil Copyright © 2023 by Sergio Xavier Salles Cunha. All Rights Reserved.

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