2 View of a New Land: The Coruripe Terra a Vista!

Surprisingly, the Portuguese Caravel showed up at the Brazilian Beach of Coruripe, state of Alagoas (check Google maps). Coruripe means Rio dos Sapos, River of Frogs according to a native Caete language.
The Portuguese, however, did not land in Coruripe. Smart sailors. Shipwrecks occurred at this place soon after their View of the Land, the first official, Portuguese Terra a Vista of this new territory.Sail away, the 1500 spice dealers decided not to land around these dangerous rocks.
Nowadays caravels are not available for us, modern people. Should we get a local fishing boat like a jangada?

Jangada is a flat boat with a significant area to carry the fished fish. It has regular seats for the fishermen. A jangada may handle the local storms better than a caravel. It is also much easier and cheaper to construct a jangada rather than a caravel.

Nevertheless, any boat travelling North from Coruripe would eventually reach the classical Pipa landmark.


Beaches of Brazil Copyright © 2023 by Sergio Xavier Salles Cunha. All Rights Reserved.

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