
A retired person living in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, recollected trips to the beaches of Brazil. Many photographs of Brazilian beaches created a fantasy about the thinking of Portuguese naval officers and crew sailors while approaching unknown territory in 1500 AD and thereafter.
 The Portuguese original goal was to reach the Spice Market around Bengal Bay in India and neighboring regions. Food in Europe needed Asian spices.

The Spice Trade was huge.

The new concept of a round earth raised the hypothesis that the Bay of Bengal in India could be reached by sailing West through the Atlantic Ocean.

The Spice Market objective failed.  A new continent was discovered, trailblazed. New perspectives.  Eventually gold. Modern beaches became a dream come true.

This fantasy plot links post 1499 AD, 16th century discoveries to present-day beaches: comfortable places for modern vacation, retirement, and short, or long visits.  Trips North and South from the first Land-View, the Terra-a-Vista in Portuguese, have created interesting concepts in the minds of old sailors and present-day tourists.

This story starts with sunrises and ends with sunsets. The beginning and the end of a day, beginning and end of a discovery trip around the Brazilian coast.  The author was an amateur photographer playing with imagination.

The story starts with a sunrise in Jacksonville Beach, of course. The end is a sunset also photographed at JAX Beach.  An East coast beach sunset? Are you kidding? Not really. East and West, sun-raises and sunsets are present in any location.

Look at the images that reminisce the past experiences of the author. Enjoy the experience.


Beaches of Brazil Copyright © 2023 by Sergio Xavier Salles Cunha. All Rights Reserved.

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